Ramblings of a Ringless Wife

Ringless Wife, Messy House, Cluttered Brain. All in a standard day.

April 13: It’s the little things that always hang around…

Do you know what I love more than a fancy dinner? Eating at my Parents table, with my three little sisters arguing, my dad with his head phones on, and my Caro-Mumma and I chatting.
Do you know what I love more than texting? When my Best Friend shows up announced, just to say she lubbs me.
Do you know I love more than anything? The fact that I can sit on my back porch, and know that one day, everything is going to work out just fine.

I am one of these people who does love to have some finer things in life. But I also know that there is no possible value that can be placed on the little things that make you smile in your heart.

Having my lubblies come running up when I walk in their door with their screams of “Klowee!!!” can brighten up my whole day, no matter how I feel.
Having my nephew come and say “Aunty Gert, do you KNOW what happened?” and launching into a tale always makes me grateful that he can verbalise.
Getting a random message from any of Parents that just says “Love you.” makes me smile.
Getting an FB post that just says “LubbLubb” means more than a million dollars.
Being so depressed I cant get out of bed and having my big sister rock on up with a coffee milk, a hug, and a firm “Get your ass out of bed!” is important to me.

One of the big things for me is that Daniel is not demonstrative in any way, but I know that there are little things he does which shows how he feels. And these little things mean more to me than any other gift or item possibly could.

When was the last time you just stopped to appreciate what you have around you? A fragrance which makes you smile; a giggle which brings back memories; a hug on the way out of the door?

These are things which can never be replaced, and have no monetary value at all. But they take up the tiniest fraction of your heart and you know that you wouldn’t be the same without them.

I have nearly every drawing Brock has ever given me. Why? Because they were drawn “Special for Aunty Gert and Uncle Dan” and to me, they are more valuable than any Picasso or Monet you have hanging in your house.

I take photo’s of everything I can because that way there will always be a picture to go with my memory.It’s being able to look back on a picture and say “Oh wow, that night was so much fun. It was the first coffee in the van!” or some variation, and know that is what makes up my day to day life.

My life is a series of “little things” – Things which to you, or my neighbor, or even my mum, might seem inconsequential.

But to me, it’s these little things that I cleave to when life gets rough, or when I need a pick-me-up, or when I start to devalue that which is more valuable than anything.

Because it’s these “little things”, these inconsequential, by-the-by, seconds of Time which make the basis of a persons life.

If you can’t appreciate the little things…

… How do you expect to appreciate the big ones?

{Google image found on http://mythoughtsandmedotcom.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/little-things-we-miss-little-thing-that-counts/)

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