Ramblings of a Ringless Wife

Ringless Wife, Messy House, Cluttered Brain. All in a standard day.

June 02: Im gonna pick up the pieces… and build a Lego house…

I have finally jumped on the Ed Sheeran band wagon.

I have been playing Lego House over and over again today – I have officially fallen in love with it… and the film clip too. What can I say? Rupert Grint gives me a Lady Boner!

I love the way the song is about loving someone, no matter what shit comes your way. The line “If things go wrong, we can knock it down” is one that I think rings true for me: Tearing down what’s wrong to rebuild what’s right is an awesome thing.

Today, it seems very few try to fix their relationships. To be honest, the way people treat theirs sometimes makes me think of a disposable nappy. You know what I mean? “Oh, hey, it’s not as good as it was when we first got together. Time to chuck it away and look for a better/newer/different brand.”

Don’t get me wrong, I know that sometimes relationships are beyond fixing. It happens, it sucks, and maybe it’s just one of the things that is expected to happen at least once in a persons life.

Maybe I am just too old fashioned, but it’s something I see so often in younger relationships. You’re with someone for an hour, and your Facebook is already full of “I love you, Joe Blow.” A week later, you have a day of sad, morose statuses that tell you the relationship is over. Give it a few days, and replace the name in the status. Rinse, Repeat.

I honestly think the Facebook is a major hindrance in relationships of today. Daniel and I are fairly conscientious about what we put on Facey regarding our relationship – because it is our relationship, not the cyber-worlds. There is a saying floating about saying “My relationship is so much better since every one has butted out.” But, what do you expect if you are showing everyone your problems instead of fixing them in a behind the scenes space?

While I’m talking about FB, another thing that annoys me is when people change their relationship status after a single fight. Come on, you know exactly what I am talking about! The one’s who have an argument over something that’s just not worth it, the fight blows up, Boom, Bang, Crash, relationship status: Single. Fight resolved a few hours later, Relationship status: In a relationship.

If you have to do something so public as to change your Relationship on FB after a single fight, you have to wonder if you are even wanting the relationship. To seek the public out pour that generally comes with a relationship change then, (yes, I have my judgemental knickers on here) maybe you shouldn’t be in that relationship?

What are your thoughts? Am I too harsh in my opinions? I would love some feedback on this topic!

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May 8: why I love Glee

I seem to have developed a bit of a fascination with lists lately. And not just in this blog; but in every day life. I realised this as I was watching Glee and I started jotting down my favorite reasons for the show:

Cory Monteith 

Cue the “Oh My God, get in my pants NOW” thoughts whenever he is on screen. He is definitely my definition of Lady Boner. I have nothing more to say on this delectable actor that isn’t G-rated, so we shall move right along… ‘kay?

Matthew Morrison with no shirt on

Ok, so bad photo of his face, but wonderful look at his chest… and his shoulders… and his muscles… and his V-line… and I will stop right there. I don’t care who you are, there is no way that you couldn’t appreciate this 6ft hunk of yummiful tanned goodness… *slurp*

Making fun of Lea Michele’s over-acting (not jealous at all!)

Sometimes I wonder if her facial expressions are due to a severe need of a colonic irrigation. Nasty, maybe, but every one would have thought it at some stage. Yes, I know, Lea’s over acting is what got her the iconic role of Rachel Berry, but I’m not fussed on that. All I am saying is her facial expression are damn fun to look at when you have had a bad day.

Cory Monteiths version of Jesse’s Girl

I think this version of the classic song was done really well and it is one of my favorites from the whole series. I know some people get cranky at the consistent covers performed by the Glee cast, but you have to admit: Cory rocks this shiz right out!

I also love the way that Glee manages to fix most things (except a trend bucking teenage pregnancy) in their 43 minute window. It means that I can have 43 minutes where I can just chill  with my lady boner and relax. It’s my feel good show.

Quinn’s pregnancy is another reason that I love this show.  [Unwanted] Teen pregnancy is a major issue in most high schools and Glee took this issue and made it into something that was life changing for Quinn but also positive for the childs adoptive parent.

The show as a whole, while filled with wonderful bopping songs, tackles issues that are all relevant to todays society, such as being gay, bullying, striving to achieve, popular vs. dumpster fodder, and the desire that all teens have: To be liked, accepted and wanted.

I know that it is not a popular show among the male set (I have to turn it off once Dan walks in the front door) but I think it is going to be a show similar to the popularity of, for example, 90210. At least until the current actors start showing their age, since they are all in their mid to late twenties (Cory is 29 – much closer to my age, so therefore, more readily available)  and playing teenagers.

In conclusion, I am going to leave you with another pic.